Leave feedback for GlacierMD

Earn 20 more questions by participating in a GlacierMD user interview, or leave quick feedback on a survey.

Earn 20 more questions

Earn good karma

Updated 4 months ago
Written by Tom Cleveland, founder
3 minute read

GlacierMD needs you!

I'm Tom Cleveland, the founder/JSON-shoveler behind GlacierMD. I'm a real person and I've just recently started working on GlacierMD full-time. (Although I've been thinking about this topic for a while.)

I think online health information is terrible and I'm trying to fix it. I know what I hate about searching for health answers online, but for this to work I also need to know what you hate—and how it could be better! That's where the feedback comes in.

User interviews

If you'd like to help me fix it, the most impactful thing you can do is sign up for a casual 30-minute user interview.

The interview will be with me, you can wear your slippers, and at the end of it I'll give you 20 more questions.

Here's what you can expect

  • No more than 30 minutes
  • Over Zoom
  • No preparation needed
  • I'll ask you about how you search for health information
  • I'll ask you to share you screen while clicking around GlacierMD
  • I'll ask you for feedback on GlacierMD

Interested? Great! You can put some time on my calendar here.


Too busy for a full interview? No problem—you can also fill out an extremely short survey here (it'll take you less than four minutes, I promise).

Just email me

Does filling out a survey sound tedious? Have something you want to get off your chest as quickly as possible? Just dash off an email to tom@glaciermd.com.